Big Ben is closed for restoration.
On August 21, at noon, the famous Big Ben bell sounded for the last time. After that, it will be disconnected from the clock to restore both the clock and the tower itself.

Big Ben 10 facts:
1. Big Ben is not the name of the tower, this is the name of the biggest bell.
2. The tower is 96 meters high and incline 22 cm to the north-west. This is because of the construction work close to tower.
3. To illuminate the dials, use energy-saving lamps. Previously, there were gas lamps and someone had to climb 334 steps to light them.
4. A two-hundred-kilogram hammer hits the bell from the outside.
5. Dials are washed every 5 years.

6. The accuracy of the watch is checked three times a week. If a small error is detected, the mechanism is corrected by coins.
7. There was a mini prison in the tower. One temporary detention cell for deputies.
8. There are two versions in honor of which Ben called the bell: A. in honor of Benjamin Hall – the curator of construction works of the tower. B. Ben Kont – popular in the XIX century boxer in the heavyweight division.
9. Big Ben weighs more than 13 tons.
10. Big Ben has a popular, unofficial Twitter account @big_ben_clock . The corresponding amount of BONG is published every hour.